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In this episode of the ISSB podcast, ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber and ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd share insights into recent developments from the ISSB, including progress on interoperability, such as:

Emmanuel reflects on the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Annual Meeting, where the IFRS Foundation released the Inaugural Jurisdictional Guide for the adoption or other use of ISSB Standards.

Sue and Emmanuel also share an update from events in Frankfurt, including the Sustainability Standards Conference, the ISSB’s June meeting and ISSB consultative body meetings.

A full summary of the June 2024 ISSB meeting is available in the ISSB Update.

You can find all our podcasts on our podcast page. They are also available on Spotify, iTunes and our YouTube channel.

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IFRS Sustainability Standards development
Applying IFRS Sustainability standards
IFRS Sustainability digital reporting
IFRS Sustainability jurisdictional development
IFRS Foundation strategy and governance